There are places, that just by setting foot on them, captivate you, they grab your heart, they make you remember who you are and where you are going…
Come and discover the enchanted Land of AVALON… The goddess, Marline, druids, Excalibur, goblins, magia… and on this important date: BELTANE – el FESTIVAL DE LA PRIMAVERA.
You will be part of a trip that you will never forget: ?MAGICAL TRIP TO AVALON,,es,MAGIC TRIP TO INDIA,,es,TANIT MAGIC TRIP,,es,EVENING WITH THE TRIBE,,es,Load more ..,,es,Follow on Instagram,,es,Magic,,es ?
* El VUELO de ida sale el Jueves 31 de Octubre a las 10.20h (arrival 12:00) desde Alicante y volvemos el Lunes 4 de Noviembre a las 12:25h (arrival 15:55h)
The journey takes about two hours.
* Haremos una ruta por la costa de Cornualles que te llevará hasta los confines de CAMELOT y LA CUEVA DEL MAGO MERLÍN.
* We will follow in the footsteps of the ancestral history of these incredible lands, visiting every little corner and enjoying beautiful meditations and very special works in places of power:
? The Tor and its enchanted hill
? The Abbey, Tombs of King Arthur and Guinevere.
? Church of Joseph of Arimathea and The Labyrinth.
? Chalice Well, the fairy garden.
? Chapel of Mary Magdalene.
? The temple of the Goddess.
In addition, participaremos en la GRAN CELEBRACIÓN de esta festividad con los GLASTONBURY DRAGONS.
And above all, stepping on every inch of this site, where it seems that time and space have stopped, a door to a dream world… hard to put into words… You should live it!!!
– Vuelo de ida y vuelta
– airport transfers (Bristol-Glastonbury-Bristol) in private vehicle.
– hotel en régimen de habitación doble.
– Seguro de asistencia médica y cancelación.
– Meditations and energetic works in the places.
– Ruta en vehículo privado en costa de Cornualles.
– Todas las rutas guiadas y todas las entradas.
– Foods (we will be out all day, in front of the hotel we have a large supermarket 24 hours with a wide variety of food, del que nos llevaremos picnics)
Price: 750€ – facilidad para pagar en dos o tres veces.
reservations: 634313169 – 607333354 – 637580607
* Actual Price, se recomienda precio de vuelos.
Organiza: Viajes Marazul
Facilitadoras: Yoely & Cristina Prats & Neliah Kandisha