

Today I speak of the practice of Sankalpa संकल्प, a powerful method and a great ally to move towards the desired destination.

Es un voto solemne, an invocation, a positive determination to get something done in the form of short sentences and direct.
It is a very old technique that comes from the Vedas. The Vedic culture back to the year 1500 BC and was the period in which the oldest sacred books of history composed.
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Hello family,
We have already started the winter season in Murcia, I leave the schedules of the two centers that impart classes: Sadhana (Montepinar) y Adhara (Santo Angel). You will be welcome 🙂 Namaste! Read more

Hello family,
It is my pleasure to announce that this summer will be for happy birthday in Ibiza Kumharas, organizing many things that you will love.
Monday through Friday from 10.00 you can enjoy different activities and every Sunday the event will “Indian Sunday”, one day inspired by the magic of India, workshops for adults and kids, música, dj, hippie market, therapists and buffete.
Stay tuned that soon will go up all the schedules and activities. For now aims date: Sunday 12 June inaugurating.

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