
Today is Thursday 12 of January of 2017 the full moon begins, which it is accompanied by a very special phenomenon: The great cosmic cross. This occurs when four signs are lined up forming a cross. In this case we have:

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer, both in opposition – Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries.

This cross produces in you a feeling like being tied between four horses that move in opposite directions. They are very strong energies, tense and conflictual, which may be constructive or destructive, all up to you. All pent-up emotions out, as well as all stagnant, to the look of front and solutions once and for all. It's time to break with all these situations and people who make you unhappy to be reborn and receive wonderful and new things in your life. It is time to say goodbye, AS THE BEST IS COMING.

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