
The word literally means Imbolc “in the womb” (Mother). The seed that was planted in the winter solstice is growing. Traditionally Imbolc honors underground seeds begin to germinate, held on, visibly they will be getting longer and encourages us to clean up and get ready for spring.
The ancient Celtic name for the day "Day Brigith", in honor of the goddess.
In Imbolc we ask the goddess inspiration and guide for new plans and projects, and ask protection of darkness.
Our evening will SHAKTI DANCE, purification ritual, Guided Meditation, Potions, Prayers and Magic Circle.
If you fancy coming send me a little message.
Peace of Annam,it is to heap clach! ❤

imbolc cartel

The time I've lived has taught me that if only we struggle to be good people, with greatness in the soul, this world that brings us head would be much better. Read more

Neliah Kandisha

Muchos profes de yoga siempre decimos: “Hay que fluir”.

Hay que permitir que el flujo de la vida te marque el rumbo, soltar el lastre de las inseguridades, los miedos, la culpa o el rencor.
Fluir significa aceptar lo que llega y aceptar lo que se va. Disfrutar de lo nuevo y decir adiós a lo que se marcha con el corazón sereno. Dejarse guiar por lo que acontece con naturalidad, sin forzar nada, sin forzarnos a nosotros mismos, sin oponernos a lo que es ni a lo que somos. Fluir es permitir y al mismo tiempo disfrutar. Fluir es… activar la magia…
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